Boom Boom, Out Goes the Birds - Jan 2020

Bird eviction as well as reefing line repairs
with the help of East Coast Marine Rigging

One repair task which we waited until winter to complete was to retrieve the reefing line inadvertantly pulled into the boom while raising the main during our first sail of the 2019 season having not tied off the end properly when reinstalling the mainsail.

Once in the parking lot on an unseasonably warm January 2020 day, the riggers noticed that the line was too short to make its proper number of runs up and back within the boom's inner pulley system.

Given the reefing line looked fairly new, we came to the conclusion that the previous owner may have tried to rereeve the reefing lines himself and came up a bit short of the design spec.  

I took the opportunity to extract as much bird nest straw (and one little blue egg) from the boom while the two riggers rode back to the shop to $retrieve$ a replacement line of the correct length. 

Had we not pulled the line into the boom the prior spring, we would not have discovered the short line reefing line at such an opportune time to replace it - or so I tell myself after the investment.
