01/13/18 - Frigid Days in Annapolis

January 2018 - Just as you think you will be able to spend more time on the boat and begin to take care of the items identified in the survey, God freezes the rivers and plays havoc with the tides.  Up 4', down 3',  Little chance you and your dog can easily spend much time there.

And lets not forget getting acquainted with a deicer for the first time.  It quickly becomes apparent with experience why you notice how all the other deicers were tied tightly in multiple directions aling the dock once you've untangled your first ungodly mess of power cord and 25' restraining cords that twist tightly together if you fail to tie them off properly.  Let's not forget the brutally cold temperature and unrelenting wind which wants to blow you off the finger pier during your untangling effort.  Eventually the voice of reason, which strangely sounded a lot like my dad's voice, strongly recommends abandoning the night's efforts in favor of a return during daylight the next morning after your fingers thaw out and return to usefulness.

Eventual success does feel good though - and the experience will help during however many more winters we need to endure prior to heading south during retirement winters.
